Saturday , September 6, 2008

1:52:45 AM

Dying is not the end. Dying is actually an opportunity for one soul to live again. This time, it can grasp the very essence of life. God is the resurrection and life. He utters the most powerful words. These words can liberate once imprisoned soul.

When Jesus heard about the death of Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, He went there to see them and to raise the man from death. Lazarus had sisters who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, the Messiah. Whatever Jesus asks God, the Father in Heaven will listen and grant His petition. I have a mother who believes in Jesus Christ. Martha, Mary and Lazarus are friends of God. My mom is a friend of the Almighty. Blessed are those people who have relatives or loved ones who believe in Jesus Christ, who are not just friends with God, but are close friends of God. Mary, Martha and Lazarus are dear friends of Jesus. You are so blessed if you have a wife, husband, a son or daughter or aunt or uncle or grandparents or friends or boss who are friends with God. It’s not impossible that they will introduce you to their Good Friend.

When Lazarus was very sick, his sisters sent the message to Jesus. Do we tell Jesus that our loved one is very sick? It will only take a second or a moment to say this to God. In their time, I believed it took one or two days for the message that Lazarus was indeed very sick to reach Christ. But at least, they sent Jesus the message. They sent the message while Lazarus was still sick, perhaps so that Jesus could go and visit him and make him well. God knows everything. He is all-knowing. Of course, He knows what is happening to his dear friend Lazarus. He even knows what will happen to him. What could have happened if the sisters did not send the message? Ask, and it will be given to you.

Jesus delayed. He waited two more days. He stayed where he was for the next two days before setting for Bethany. Everyone knows he can heal the sick, the blind, but no one has seen yet that He can raise people from death.

When Martha heard that Jesus is coming, she went to meet with him. Jesus said in verse 25, “... Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying…”

Martha said that she believes Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. But her faith only reaches the point where Jesus can heal the sick. She still needs to witness to believe that Jesus can raise the dead. Are we the same as Martha? We proclaim who Jesus is, but our knowledge of the Son of God is still limited. Jesus is not confined by any disease, nor even time and space. Definitely, He is limitless. Do we believe that our dead loved ones can rise again by the power of the Word of Jesus Christ? Or do we just let them rot in the cave with the other dead people?

Going back to the Old Testament, in the book of the Prophet Ezekiel, chapter 37. We heard stories about the prophets being used by God to heal and save lives. God used prophet Elijah to bring the son of the widow to life again. God heals, brings dead people to life…. But in Ezekiel, God led the prophet among the bones that covered the valley floors. They were scattered everywhere across the ground and were completely dried out. But when the prophet Ezekiel spoke the message of God, suddenly there was a rattling noise all across the valley. The bones of each body came together and attached themselves as complete skeletons. Then as Ezekiel watched, muscles and flesh formed over the bones. Then skin formed to cover their bodies, but they still had no breath in them. And when he spoke the message again, breath came to life into their bodies. They all came to life and stood up on their feet -- a great army. Who knows how long these bones have been staying on this valley?

We were all dried bones on this vast valley called the planet. Each piece of that dried up, lifeless bone was lying down… maybe waiting for some wind, or voice or Word that would call them by name and breath life to them. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. God came with the Word, for the Word is God. God is life. Truly, when a man hears the Word, he will live. Dead dried bones stood, formed flesh and muscles, because it heard and received the Word which brings life. The Word brought God into their lives. That is why they lived again. And they became a mighty army.

There are still bones lying deep down this earth. Scattered everywhere across the ground and are completely dry. Some are even 6 feet under… waiting to hear a voice that would call them out from their graves. Then, a prophet cooperated with God. Our Father in Heaven who is the Giver of Life wanted them live and have a satisfying life. God gave the command to this prophet to speak up. “Prophesy!” , the All Sovereign said. “Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.” So the Prophet Ezekiel spoke the message God commanded him to say. And breath came into their bodies. They lived again.

God is awesome. With no restrictions, sure God Almighty can breath life to these dried lives. But He used one human, in the soul of prophet Ezekiel to speak forth life to these mere skeletons.

Sometimes we have to be reminded of these miracles to help us believe and hold on to the promises of our Lord Jesus Christ that if we believe in Him, our household will also be saved. When Jesus arrived at the cave where Lazarus body was placed, he requested to roll the stone aside. Martha attempted to stop him. She said that the smell will be terrible since Lazarus has been dead for four days. What would happen if our loved ones gave up on us? We get frustrated at times. Sure we would share God’s gospel to our loved ones and friends, but when we see that they do not respond to what we say to them, we get frustrated and just let them inside the cave. In our own ways, we let the stone cover the cave and not want to smell the terrible reek of the bodies smothered with all kinds of vices and ill habits. We give up. But even if we give up, Jesus will never. No one can stop him from saving their souls. No one could stop Him for saving our own. Jesus spoke life to Lazarus in the fullness of His time. We need to have more faith that He is always able, powerful with all His glorious magnificence to save and bring the dead to live again. He is the source of every existence. The very origin of life.

They thought Jesus could have healed their brother when he was still sick, but no one expected that Jesus could make him live again.

The bible only tells the story of Lazarus. What about the other dead bodies in the same cave? Perchance, they did not have sisters like Martha and Mary who knows and are friends with God. We were once like Lazarus. We were in the same cave, but our father or mother or friend sent Jesus the message. And Jesus came and called us out of the tomb… and now we are alive. Let us do the same for the others. We cannot do anything, but Jesus can do mighty things.

If we already gave up on someone, let’s remember this great story. Send Jesus the message that our loved one is very sick or is already in the tomb. Surely, in His own perfect time (not ours), He will come and will roll the stone aside and call the name. He will shout ”Lazarus, come out!” And the dead man will come out. “Unwrap him and let him go!”

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