The voice in his love does not develop a person. His love does not improve a person. His love changes a person (2 Corinthians 5.17). The old things which caused death have now passed away, behold the new has come. There is no greater influence than the powerful voice of the one you love. You are driven to response because of the depth of your relationship with the owner of the voice, and that is only found in the context of intimacy. At times when the requests are even disagreeable, the lover will respond and does his best to satisfy her, it is because of the influence of the voice of the one he loves – its power and influence comes from the depth and context of their intimate relationship that is their deep love for each other.
He called you, you heard his loving voice calling your name, and now you became a new person. Lazarus was dead, and now he is alive. You were once dead, but you see, your spirit was in-love with the Holy Spirit. The spirit in you was waiting to hear the voice of the one she loves. No one can revive her but God’s voice. And when she heard his voice, her heart was lifted up. Once lost, but now found. Once dead but is now alive again. When you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.
To love unconditionally is this, “Loving and pouring out his life on the cross to display his love, even if she will not say yes.” Whether she says yes or no, he will love her, completely.
No matter what stupid thing you say, or do or think, he will never stop loving you. He will love you everyday, and his love is always new and always fresh.
And even if you decide not to love him, he will still love you.
Even if you decide to stop loving him, he will love you still and will continue to love you.
Even if you decide to love him less than what you think and know he deserves, he will love you fully and completely, without reservations.
He will always hope that you will love him back. He will just wait on you to love him will all of your heart and soul (Revelation 3.20). Why? Because he knows that above all things that matter in this world and in your life, he is the only one who can make you happy. He is your only happiness. He is the utmost joy of your heart. You will only find completeness in his love. He knows that no one else can love you completely and his love for you is beyond what you think or imagine. His love is ever-lasting (Jeremiah 31:3). No one else can love you like he does.
Stand still, wait and listen to his voice.
And as much as you are longing for his voice, do not deprive him of yours. Whisper to him. Love him through your voice. Do not deny him that. Let him hear your loving whispers, your words of love for him. How he longs for your voice to call his name. “… show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely (Song of Solomon 2:14 New International Version).
He is and has been waiting for the voice of his lover to call his name. He is moved by your voice. He is moved by the voice of the one he loves. When you call his name, your voice resonates in heaven. It resonates in his heart. It echoes, touching his heart and moving him to respond to the one he loves. The stones of the wall will cry out, and the beams of the woodwork will echo it (Habakkuk 2:11 NIV). Their outcry echoes along the border of Moab, (Isaiah 15:8) From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears (2 Samuel 22:7 NIV).
Isaiah 15:8 (New International Version)
8 Their outcry echoes along the border of Moab;
their wailing reaches as far as Eglaim,
their lamentation as far as Beer Elim.
2 Samuel 22:7 (New International Version)
7 In my distress I called to the LORD;
I called out to my God.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came to his ears.
He longs for your voice. He will wait until he hears your voice calling his name so let your voice resonate in heaven.
It reminds him that his love has fulfilled his purpose on the cross. His love penetrated your life, like a two-edged sword, his voice reached your heart.
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