For richer or poorer…

I pray that I can fly with you now in heaven. I pray that I can feel your hands, and be enveloped by your strong, powerful yet gentle arms. Hold me, my Lord. Lead me to solitude. Or am I being weak again? I just want to go home and stay with you. Not that I am losing hope, but because I love you and that you love me – I simply want to be with you. You are the Only One keeping me alive. Your love keeps me holding onto this life. I worship you in laughter, smiles, and I worship you in sadness and tears. I still love you, whatever happens to me. I will always be grateful of the one great love burning in your heart when you were at the cross. You didn’t curse me for my sins - the very reason you were on that hill hanging and bleeding to death, all you can think about is that finally, there is a way for me to be with you, because you have now torn the veil and made a way for me. How can I let go of this pure and holy love, which I can never find in anyone or anything? I love you because you first loved me. I am eternally grateful, and will always be in-love with you. I can’t wait on that fateful day I will see you, my Lord, my Lover in heaven, as your spotless bride made worthy to spend the rest of eternity with you. The world can offer everything to me, but there’s one thing the devil can never give me… He can never give me love, for he doesn’t know love. He doesn’t understand it, and will never. But you, in all your splendor and majesty, a holy being, powerful and divine gave up your one beloved son for me… so I can be with you one day. What reason do I have to doubt that you will forsake me?

I am in this deep pit, but I choose to continue holding onto your promises. If you are willing, you can turn stones to blessings. You know my needs right now, my Lord. You are in control, and I believe in your sovereignty. Be magnified. For richer or poorer… I will love you.

For always,

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