I know there are things you want me to do for you. Let me do everything passionately, your love being my motivation to stand, walk and run this mission. I want you to accompany me. No one can ever surpass what you did for me. At certain moments, it seems as if the same wind which glided through your skin while you were on that cross is embracing me. The same passionately presence filled with your love covers my entire humanity. It brings me back at that moment of crucifixion. The revelation of what you have to give up, so that I (a worthless being) can be with you one day.
Somehow, in one aspect I became an underachiever in the eyes of this mundane temporary world. I fix my eyes not on career, family, society’s judgment of wealth and success… but I fix my eyes on what this world could not see. I fix my eyes on the everlasting love that you have for me. I may never walk the streets of Paris and hear the man playing his antique violin, nor ski down the mountain slopes of Aspen, nor see the breathtaking view of the blue ocean in the Bahamas… this I know for sure, one day I’ll enter the pearly gates of heaven and see you waiting down the aisle on golden streets, standing in your perfect white robe of righteousness. Thank you for making a way for me to be with you. It cost you your life, I know. I know I am never worthy of such passionate compassion and pure love. In awe, I say this to you. I love you and I am excited. I am made for you, so do whatever you wish for it is well with my soul.
No matter what this flesh feel… in triumphs and failures… in tears, in cloudy and windy days, in cold winters, when flowers bloom in spring and when leaves fall and die on the ground, I will worship you. My soul magnifies you Lord. I rejoice in you, My God, My Savior.
In awe,
2011 02:09:59 AM, March 20, Sunday
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