Ecclesiastes 12
Remember your Creator
in the days of your youth,
before the days of trouble come
and the years approach when you will say,
"I find no pleasure in them"-
Imagine you’re already 80. You’re old. Your face has all the lines it can possibly have. Then you’re not as strong as you used to. All you can do is sit on your squeaking rocking chair or lie down all day long on your cold bed. You want to reach out the windows and open them but your arthritis pulls you back to your bed. Your joints hurt. Your muscles hurt. You see your grandchildren running, jumping and you see yourself… old and useless. You want to eat something but you can’t because you don’t know where you put your false teeth. Then, you saw that book beside your bed. This one you can reach. But again, you don’t know where your eyeglasses are. Then, you try to call someone to help you find them. But they are
all busy doing their own thing. You’re old. Somehow, no one listens to you anymore. Not because they are rude, but because they are doing something else. They are busy being young, energetic. Young people are energetic because they are strong.
If you are eighty what do you think you will wish for?
We have the same answer. I will without a doubt say, “Lord, I want my youth back.”
Then you wake up.
God answered your prayer.
You are still young and vibrant and full of energy.
So use it wisely.
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