I Love that You were Silent

Father, I must say it was quite a difficult year for me. It was the most silent and saddest weeks and months. You taught me to be still and cry in a corner, until it breaks me through the core. I know you will not let anything happen without your permission… painful as it is, I know it was for the best. I asked you to make me stronger, and I know in my heart this is one way of training me for things to come. I love you for being you. I love that you were silent in those dark nights of confusion and sadness. I appreciate your distance. Even though it was just me thinking that you are far from me, you just want me to have faith that against the odds, you love me and will always rescue me. I know that you love me so much that you gave the blood of your Son Jesus Christ for the redemption of my sins so that on your appointed day, I will walk past the gates of heaven, most probably running, and see you face to face. I will finally see you. I will see Jesus and the nail-pierced hands which took the nails that should have been nailed to my own two hands.

I will never run out of reasons to love you… it begins with your heart. I adore you and appreciate the time spent on pursuing me. I found you and my heart just rejoices in your salvation. More years of you and me. More years of us walking the streets you have laid on the blueprint of my life.

I pray that this year will lead me closer to your heart.
Use me as you wish, for I am yours.

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